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Site Map

      2-1 . How to Apply
      2-2 . Things You May Want to Know
      3-1 . College of Music
      3-2 . College of Visual Arts
            3-2-1 . Department of Material Arts and Design
            3-2-2 . Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts
            3-2-3 . Graduate Institute of Applied Arts
            3-2-4 . Graduate Institute of Architecture
            3-2-5 . Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory
      3-3 . College of Sound and Image Arts
            3-3-1 . Applied Music Department
            3-3-2 . Graduate Institute of Studies in Documentary & Film Archiving
            3-3-3 . Graduate Institute of Animation and Film Art
      3-4 . College of Letters and Cultural Heritage
            3-4-1 . Department of Art History
            3-4-2 . Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics and Museology
      3-5 . College of College of Metaverse
            3-5-1 . College of Metaverse
            3-5-2 . Graduate Institute of Sound Technology
            3-5-3 . Executive Master of Arts Administration
      3-6 . Commission of General Education
            3-6-1 . Center of Teacher Education
            3-6-2 . Physical Education Center
      4-1 . Music
            4-1-1 . Research Center for Asia-Pacific Music
            4-1-2 . Violin Making Studio
            4-1-3 . Bianzhong Classroom
            4-1-4 . Performance Hall
            4-1-5 . Public Chamber
      4-2 . Visual Arts
            4-2-1 . Textile Studio
            4-2-2 . Ceramics Studio
            4-2-3 . Jewelry and Metal Arts Studio
            4-2-4 . Innovative Design Studio
            4-2-5 . Architecture Workshop
            4-2-6 . 3D Studio
            4-2-7 . M.A.D Studio
      4-3 . Sound and Image Arts
            4-3-1 . Newsreel and Documentary Film Archives
            4-3-2 . Multi-Media Center
            4-3-3 . Grand Auditorium
      4-4 . Letters and Culture
            4-4-1 . Paper Conservation Workshop
            4-4-2 . Oil Painting and Wooden Artifacts Workshop
            4-4-3 . Laboratory for the Research of Cultural Relics
            4-4-4 . Workstation for the Research of Cultural Relics
      4-5 . Exhibitions and Performances
            4-5-1 . Exhibitions and Performances
            4-5-2 . Performance Hall
            4-5-3 . Yixiang Gallery
            4-5-4 . North Gallery
      5-1 . Map and Directions
      5-2 . Map of the School Campus